So you want to create a membership website. Great! You’ve come to the right place. In this guide, you’ll find a checklist of the most important things to be aware of before starting that site and during that tricky postlaunch period.
Some of the things we’ll cover include choosing a platform, building your website, and working on your marketing plan. We’ll also take a quick look at key aspects such as optimizing your membership site and keeping members happy for continued success.
Let’s get started…
Decida um tópico para seu site de associação
You probably have a rough idea for the topic of your membership site—otherwise you probably wouldn’t be reading this guide to launching a new membership program. However, even if you have a great idea for your project, it’s wise to invest some time in validating that idea. After all, it would be a shame to put in all the work involved in launching a high-quality membership site only to discover there’s no market or audience for your project.
To help you reduce the risk of investing your time and energy in something nobody wants, we’ve created a guia para validar sua ideia de site de associação. Algumas das coisas que você pode tentar incluem produzir uma versão mini do seu programa de associação para ver se consegue gerar inscrições antes de criar o curso completo, bem como promover uma oferta de pré-lançamento, mais uma vez, para ver se consegue encontrar membros dispostos a se inscrever, talvez a uma taxa reduzida, antes de começar.
Escolha uma plataforma ou plug-in de associação
There are lots of options when it comes to setting up the platform for your membership site. One big decision you’ll have to make is whether to choose a hosted membership-site solution or set up your own WordPress website with your choice of membership plugin.
No entanto, talvez sejamos um pouco tendenciosos ao produzir um plug-in de associação para o WordPress, Nosso guia deve ajudá-lo a pesar os prós e os contras de cada opção para que você possa escolher a plataforma certa para o seu projeto.
Crie seu site
Once you’ve chosen a platform, it’s time to focus on your website. Before you begin producing the content members will have access to, you’ll probably need to flesh out your site with publicly available content that helps you connect with your target audience, get found in the search engines, and answer any questions potential members may have.
Parte do processo de criação de sites inclui dar ao seu site um design adequado. A boa notícia é que, se você escolheu o WordPress como sua plataforma, há inúmeros web designers com os quais você pode trabalhar, bem como Temas profissionais que são ideais para sites de associação.
Don’t worry about making everything perfect at the outset. As the old saying goes, done is better than perfect, and the sooner you launch your membership site, the sooner you’ll find out if it’s what your target audience wants. It’s fine to return to this step later and work on Tornar seu site de associação mais profissional quando você tiver alguma tração.
Trabalhe em seu programa de associação
Now the real fun starts. Once you’ve chosen a topic, tested the waters with a minimum viable product, and created the bare bones of your website, it’s time to produce the content your audience is willing to sign up for.
Again, unless your research makes it clear that your audience is ready and waiting to join your program, don’t produce your entire membership program just yet. Starting small and creating just enough top-quality content to keep charter members happy, then seeking their feedback before moving on to the next stage of production will help save you both time and effort in the long run.
Alguns proprietários de sites de associação obtiveram sucesso ao testar seu conceito com um pequeno grupo de membros fundadores, às vezes cuidadosamente escolhidos. Isso lhe dá a chance de aprender no trabalho e obter um entendimento prático de como administrar um site de associação com uma base de usuários que, espera-se, seja mais compreensiva à medida que você for trabalhando.
Elabore um plano de marketing para o site de associação
Now that you’ve created your site and have taken into account the feedback of your first set of members, it’s time to start promoting to a wider audience. We’ve published lots of useful content covering this topic, including Algumas estratégias simples de SEO para sites de associaçãobem como um guia para criando um burburinho em torno de seu programa. Then there’s social media marketing to consider, not to mention starting a blog to attract more of your target audience.
With so many options for marketing your site, it’s easy to get stretched too thin. Don’t let that happen! Instead, focus on one or two methods until you see results before moving on to the next channel.
Mantenha seus membros felizes
Focusing on acquiring new members is a key part of creating and maintaining a successful membership site. But perhaps even more important is keeping existing members happy. For starters, it’s probably easier to keep a member than find a new one. Then there’s the invaluable word-of-mouth marketing happy members contribute, not to mention the damage to your reputation unhappy members can do.
Consequently, it’s vital you do all you can to serve those members who’ve invested in your program. Adição de um sistema de help desk em seu site pode melhorar a comunicação e, ao mesmo tempo, criar novas e formas variadas de conteúdo para seu site de associação certamente aumentará o valor percebido de seu programa. Você também pode implementar ferramentas como o Churn Buster, which can reduce the risk of satisfied members involuntarily quitting your site—something you may not even be aware is happening.
Otimize seu site de associação
Once everything is up and running and you have a group of members enjoying your program, it’s time to think about optimizing your membership site. By carrying out exercises in split testing, you can tweak and adjust your website with the goal of improving conversion rates and generating more signups from the same amount of traffic.
Perhaps changing the wording of a button’s text or editing your site’s color scheme will result in more registrations. With all the ferramentas disponíveis para ajudá-lo a otimizar seu site de associação, there’s no excuse for leaving this vital aspect of your site to chance.
Além disso, se você escolha o WordPress as the platform for your membership site, there are some tasks you’ll need to perform and issues you should be aware of to keep your website running smoothly. Check out our guia para monitorar o desempenho do seu site de associação, where you’ll find lots of advice on this topic.
Considerações finais
We hope this checklist for launching and running a successful membership site has been helpful and that you’re feeling excited to get going. If you’ll take a step-by-step approach to launching your project, you should find the process easy and even enjoyable.
Com todos os ótimos motivos para iniciar um site de associaçãoPor que não começar a ajudar seu público-alvo e obter uma renda extra?
Are you ready to start your membership site? Is there anything else you’d like to know about? Please let us know in the comments below.
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