Gérer un site d'adhésion est un défi. Beaucoup de temps et d'efforts sont consacrés à l'inscription et à l'attraction de nouveaux membres. La fidélisation des membres déjà inscrits est une tâche souvent négligée. Le propriétaire d'un site peut prendre quelques mesures clés pour aider à la fidélisation des membres. keep members they’ve already worked hard to attract to their site. Un peu d'effort peut faire beaucoup pour que les membres du site soient heureux, satisfaits et qu'ils paient leurs clients !
1. Créez le meilleur contenu et le meilleur site web possible. I know, I know, your first reaction to this is “duh!” Yes, this is as obvious as it gets. Don’t worry, I’ll make up for it later. Even though this is obvious it is always good to be reminded. Creating the best content or service you can is the best way to keep your members happy and continuous customers. Focus on quality not quantity. It is tempting to rush and create as much as you can. Resist that temptation and focus on quality. Eventually the content will fill in and you will have a great site that will sell itself. The point here is if the value of your site is high enough you shouldn’t have to worry about retention. No one will vouloir de partir.
2. Récompenser les membres. Use discounts or special content to reward your members for their loyalty. Reward your oldest members. Reward your members on their birthdays and membership anniversaries. The rewards don’t have to be big, but getting something for nothing or just being recognized makes people feel special and builds loyalty.
3. Consulter la concurrence et voir ce qu'elle fait. Doing ‘more’ and ‘better’ than your competitors is the general school of thought here. I’m gonna change things up a bit and say, do something different. Find a unique way to differentiate your site from your competitors. This makes you unique and can set you apart when all things may look equal to a potential customer. Identify your competitors weaknesses and make those your strengths. Pointing this out to potential customers makes marketing easier.
4. Une assistance à la clientèle de classe mondiale. Always be kind. Go out of your way to be nice. Members will be grumpy when they have to contact support. Most contact to your support will be about something negative, when something has gone wrong. You can’t please everyone all the time, but you should still try. Go out of your way to be helpful even if it becomes clear you are going to lose the customer. Good word of mouth is priceless. Losing a customer doesn’t necessarily have to equal bad word of mouth. “Karma,” or “reaping what you sow” is a powerful force in the universe. Whether you believe in something like this or not can you really afford to leave it up to chance? It’s almost impossible to quantify this and there are no analytics to track it. It’s plain old common sense and treating others how you would want to be treated. I’m sure you yourself have had to interact with some kind of customer support recently. Think back on that experience and how it could have been better. Make sure your site is giving the best support experience possible. When a member reaches out to support and the problem is resolved quickly, it leaves them with a good feeling. That good feeling will be what the customer remembers when it is time to make a decision to stick around or not.
5. Enquêtez auprès de vos membres. Don’t just gather data about how you’re doing from your support experience. Give your loyal members a chance to give feedback. Survey your membership no more than twice a year. The percentage of people you send the survey to that actually give you feedback may be small but it can be a valuable tool to glean info on how you’re doing. If there is something going on that you have overlooked or haven’t thought of it might come out in a survey. Make the survey anonymous. Don’t ask for only negative feedback. Ask them what their favorite feature or content is. Ask what features or content they would like to see added. You can use a survey service like PollDaddy ou même un plugin de formulaire comme Formidable Pro.
6. Experiment with drip and expiring content. (Consider this a bonus tip to make up for #1 being so obvious.) With these features, available in MemberPress, you control when your members have access to content. For example, by giving the member access to videos one step at a time, they can’t see the videos that haven’t dripped to them yet. You an also set expirations for when content is no longer available. Use of these features can keep your members engaged with your content and less likely to consume everything at once and leave. MemberPress also has a full suite of dynamic reporting tools that will give you a handle on how your memberships and digital products are performing. You can slice the data by week, month, year, product and more. All of this data at your fingertips means that you’ll always know where you’re doing well and what needs improvement on your site.
J'espère que nous vous avons donné quelques idées que vous pouvez mettre en œuvre pour garder votre site d'adhésion dynamique et conserver vos membres !
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