Coaching sites often require specific features that allow interaction between clients and coaches, limited client registration groups, or progress tracking. The MemberPress CoachKit™ add-on, paired with MemberPress, is an excellent solution for gestionar un sitio web de coaching basado en la afiliación.
This document explains the basics of CoachKit™, and how to set it up on your site. Once setup is complete, we’ll show you how to start creating coaching programs with CoachKit™.
CoachKit™ Basics
Before you start creating your coaching programs, we’ll cover some CoachKit™ basics.
To start, it’s important to understand the user roles related to CoachKit™:
Administradores – this user is in charge of managing the entire CoachKit™ setup (as well as the rest of your site). Only users with the administrator user role can add new programs, cohorts, and coaches, assign coaches to groups, and manually assign clients to a cohort. You can have multiple administrators on your site. Keep in mind that these users will have access to your entire site by default.
- Entrenadores – these users can teach classes (cohorts), have access to the programs and clients they teach, and may communicate with their clients through messaging. These users can also be assigned the MemberPress Coach user role.
- Clientes – clients can enroll in existing programs. These users will also be assigned the MemberPress Client user role.
CoachKit™ Programs
The central element of CoachKit™ is called the programa. A CoachKit™ programa representa una vía de coaching que ofrece a sus miembros.
Los administradores pueden crear un número ilimitado de programas en su sitio.
Each CoachKit™ program contains the following elements:
- Cohortes – each cohort represents a single class of clients within a program. A program can hold an unlimited number of cohorts (classes), where each cohort can be taught/tutored by a different (or the same) coach. For example, you can set your cohorts with a limited number of clients per cohort. Here, each client will be randomly added to a different cohort and taught by a different coach.
- Hitos – these are time-limited goals set for each program, allowing progress tracking. A program may contain any number of milestones, set in a specific order, and configured with a due date. In addition, you can attach a course or a downloadable file to milestones.
- Hábitos – these are recurring tasks that can also be tracked. Habits are added to dates based on their recurring settings and within the timeframe of the milestones you previously set.
A inscribirse en un programa de coachingLos clientes necesitan inscribirse como miembro al que está asignado el programa. Puede configurar cada afiliación para que inscriba automáticamente a los clientes (a través de una cohorte de coaching) en un programa concreto o en varios programas cuando se registren en esa afiliación.
Cómo configurarlo
CoachKit™ is a stand-alone add-on plugin for MemberPress. Therefore, you must first instalar MemberPress y actívalo on your website before installing and activating CoachKit™.
You will also need a separate license for CoachKit™. You can purchase the CoachKit™ license cuando inicie sesión en su Cuenta MemberPress.
Once you have activated MemberPress and purchased the CoachKit™ license, follow these steps to add CoachKit™ to your website:
- Vaya a Panel de control > MemberPress > Complementos;
- Browse add-ons or search for “CoachKit” using the search tool. If you don't see the CoachKit™ add-on, please clear your website and browser cache and reload the page;
- Una vez que encuentre el Complemento CoachKit™pulse el botón Instalar complemento . Esto instalará y activará automáticamente el complemento.
Página de Coaching
CoachKit™ comes with its dedicated default page, called the Página de Coaching. Esta es la página que utilizan los entrenadores para gestionar a los clientes y seguir sus progresos.
Sus clientes utilizarán el Página de inscripciones para seguir el programa. La Página de Inscripciones está relacionada con su Página de Coaching.
When setting up the CoachKit™ plugin, you need to start by creating the Coaching Page in your MemberPress settings:
- Vaya a Panel de control > MemberPress > Configuración > Pestaña Páginas;
- Haga clic en el botón MemberPress Página de entrenamiento y seleccione la página que desea utilizar como página de entrenamiento;
- También puede elegir la opción Crear nueva página automáticamente para crear la página de Coaching por defecto con la opción /entrenamiento babosa;
- Haga clic en Opciones de actualización para guardar los cambios.
Al igual que todas las páginas predeterminadas, la página de Coaching MemberPress viene con las opciones clásica y ReadyLaunch™ templates. ReadyLaunch™ is an integrated page styler that allows you to easily create attractive pages that are branded and mobile-responsive.
En plantilla clásica Coaching se aplica por defecto.
To switch to the ReadyLaunch™ template, navigate to Dashboard > MemberPress > Settings > ReadyLauch™ taby activar el Coaching opción.
En Plantilla ReadyLaunch Coaching utilizará el configuración global de ReadyLaunch.
CoachKit™ Settings
Activating the CoachKit™ plugin on your site will add the new Coaching a la configuración de tu MemberPress.
For additional CoachKit™ settings, navigate to Panel de control > MemberPress > Configuración > pestaña Entrenamiento.
Aquí puede activar el Activar mensajería para permitir mensajes entre entrenadores y clientes. Esto añadirá el Mensajes opción a la Página de Coaching tanto para clientes como para coaches.
Además, en virtud del Personalización de etiquetasPuede cambiar el nombre de las etiquetas Cliente y Entrenador. Puede cambiar estas etiquetas por cualquier otra que se adapte mejor a su negocio. Ambas etiquetas vienen con campos para las formas singular y plural de la etiqueta.
CoachKit™ Emails
CoachKit™ comes with some default email templates. You can enable and disable these emails in your MemberPress settings at Panel de control > MemberPress > Configuración > pestaña Emails. En caso necesario, también puede editar o anular las plantillas de correo electrónico predeterminadas en la misma página.
There are six available CoachKit™ emails. Three are emails sent to clients, and three are administrator notices:
- Aviso de control de hábitos (Client Notice) – this email is sent when a client misses the habit deadline you've set;
- Aviso de facturación por hitos (Client Notice) – this email is sent on the milestone due date unless completed before that date;
- Aviso de mensaje directo recibido (Client Notice) – this email is sent when a client receives a direct message;
- Aviso de límite de inscripción (Admin Notice) – this email is sent to the administrator when the specific cohort enrollment limit is reached. This event will only occur if the “Limit no. of clients in Program” option is enabled for a cohort;
- Aviso de inicio del programa (Admin Notice) – this email is sent to the administrator when a client begins a program;
- Aviso de finalización del programa (Admin Notice) – this email is sent to the administrator when a client completes a program.
En Hito y aviso de control de hábitos Los correos electrónicos también deben estar habilitados en las opciones del programa. Estos correos electrónicos se enviarán a los clientes si enable the “Check-in” option for any milestone or habit.
Now, you’re ready to start creating your first program with CoachKit™.