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  4. Suscripción y transacciones
  5. Cómo arreglar las suscripciones cuando los usuarios se registraron con una puerta de enlace incorrecta

Cómo arreglar las suscripciones cuando los usuarios se registraron con una puerta de enlace incorrecta

If you set up your payment gateway(s) only to later find out that subscriptions and transactions were not connecting properly, then you can follow the instructions on this page AFTER you have fixed your incorrect setup gateway. Here you will learn how to fix those subscriptions and transactions so that your users have access to your site and any automatically recurring payments continue as normal. Note that instructions vary slightly based on subscription type.

Verify the Issue

Before following the steps on this page, it is essential that you verify the exact issue. A bad gateway can create one of two results:

  1. The user signs up and is added to your site, but no data is able to reach the gateway.
  2. The user signs up and is added to your site, and you can see the subscription and/or payment data in the gateway, but it did not properly connect to MemberPress.

If you find that #1 is true for you, then you should further review
esta página to learn why that may be exactly, but it is most likely that it's either due to the user abandoning checkout, or the gateway configuration is incorrect. Either way, you'll need to direct the user back to your registration page (after they log in) to attempt the registration again.

If it's #2, proceed to the following sections below. Each gives you a manual, one-by-one fix, or an import fix.

Suscripciones periódicas automáticas

One-by-One Fix

Follow these instructions if you have few bad signups you need to resolve or if you are struggling to get the import option to work on your own.

Step 1 – Verify Subscription ID

Verify that the ID you see in the gateway matches the ID you see on the MemberPress > Subscriptions page > Subscription column. Please contact your gateway's customer support if you are unsure how to find this, but note that for Stripe, we use the subscription ID here (sub_xxxxxxxxxx). If it does, proceed to Step 2. If it does not, then you will need to hover over that unique ID on the Subscriptions page and click the
Editar option. On the Editar page, enter the ID you pulled from the gateway into the Subscription Number opción.

Step 2 – Enable the Subscription

If on the MemberPress > Subscriptions page > Auto Rebill column, you see
Pending, then you'll need to update that to Activado. If you edited the subscription ID in Step 1 as explained above, then you can use the drop-down from that same edit page using the Estado option. Just set it from Pending a Activado. You can also do this directly from the MemberPress > Subscriptions page > Auto Rebill column, by clicking on Pending and then selecting Activado and then, Guardar.

Step 3 – Add Any Missing Payments or Fix Incorrect Ones

If you have missing payments, then from the MemberPress > Subscriptions page > Transactions column you can click on the number that appears there. Then, click on the
Añadir nuevo button near the top to create a transaction that is connected to that subscription. From there, simply enter in all the transaction information that you have, being sure to properly complete cada field on that page. The Transaction Number does not need to match what is in the gateway.

Or, if you see a number other than zero under the MemberPress > Subscriptions page > Transactions column then you just need to verify a few things. To do this, click on the number you see in that Transactions column, then hover over the unique transaction ID and click
Editar. On the Editar page, make sure that transaction says Complete en el Estado option, that Pasarela is set to your newly fixed gateway, and that the Fecha de expiración is correct. These are the most common options to become incorrect, but please be sure to review all the other options as well to make sure they match what you see in the gateway. The Transaction Number does not need to match what is in the gateway.

Following these instructions will result in the user having access again to your site's protected content. Just note that if future payments do not come through correctly, it most likely means that your gateway is still not set up correctly, or you did not enter the subscription ID correctly as outlined in Step 1 above.

Import Fix

Follow these instructions if you have many bad signups you need to fix.

Step 1 – Get a List of Affected Users

Unfortunately, there isn't an easy way to identify all users. You can try using the filter option at the top right of the MemberPress > Subscriptions page to narrow your results down, but it may come down to you picking each user and subscription out by hand. Write the users down.

Step 2 – Create CSV Files

From there, you need to follow
estas instrucciones to create and import a Subscriptions and a Transactions CSV file. In these import files, be sure to use id as one of your columns as explained on that page. This column header will allow you to update the subscriptions and transactions instead of creating duplicates.

Step 3 – Import Each File

Next, you will import both your Subscriptions and Transactions CSV files. Please refer to
esta página for any messages the importer may give you.

One-time Payment Type Subscriptions

One-by-One Fix

Follow these instructions if you have a few bad signups you need to resolve or if you are struggling to get the import option to work on your own.

Step 1 – Verify Status of Payment

Go to the MemberPress > Transactions page, find the user's payment, and make sure the option you see under the
Estado column is set to Complete. If you see anything else, simply click on the option you see, then use the drop-down menu to select Complete and then click the Guardar botón.

Step 2 – Verify Expiration Date of Payment

The transaction created may not have any expiration date, or you may want to edit it. To ensure your user does not get lifetime access you need to add an expiration date. Do this by hovering over the unique transaction ID on the MemberPress > Transactions page and click
Editar. On the Editar page, scroll down to the Fecha de expiración setting and enter the appropriate date, then click Actualización.

Step 3 (Optional) – Verify Other Payment Data as Needed

If you would like, while on the same
Editar page discussed in Step 2, you can verify that the other fields look correct based on what the user paid you and what you see in your payment gateway. The Transaction Number does not need to match what is in the gateway.

Import Fix

Follow these instructions if you have many bad signups you need to fix.

Step 1 – Get a List of Affected Users

Unfortunately, there is not an easy way to identify all users who may be in this. You can try using the filter option at the top right of the MemberPress > Subscriptions page > Non-Recurring tab to narrow your results down, but it may come down to you picking each user and subscription out by hand. Write the users down.

Step 2 – Create a Transactions CSV File

From there, you need to follow
estas instrucciones to create and import a Transactions CSV file. In this import file, be sure to use id as one of your columns as explained on that page. This column header will allow you to update the payments instead of creating duplicates.

Step 3 – Import Each File

Next, you will import the Transactions CSV file. Please refer to
esta página for any messages the importer may give you.


If you find yourself struggling with these steps above, please contact our
atención al cliente (utilice el botón Enviar Ticket de Soporte es necesario iniciar sesión).

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