A good way to spark interest and entice visitors to convert is by teasing them with a sneak peek of solid content.
Unless they hand over their email or take some sort of action you choose, they won’t have access to this piece of content known as gated content.
This can be in the form of blog posts, videos, checklists, webinars, and more.
Cuando gestionar un sitio de socios, you rely on gated content to grow your business.
It can help your website and business attract more leads, further its reach and visibility, and build relationships with new subscribers by offering them value.
Disminuir la posibilidad de molestar a los visitantes presentándoles contenido restringido, make sure you already have a substantial amount of visitors and traffic coming to your website.
If your business isn’t at the right growth rate, gated content will only frustrate and turn off visitors, pushing them to exit out and go somewhere else.
You also want to make sure you’re always offering valuable content not just as a teaser, but for free without exchanging anything. This will show you’re sincere in your efforts to help your audience solve their problems.
Let’s dive in to a few tips for you to use gated content to boost conversions and keep visitors happy.
Contenidos Gate en el momento adecuado
It wouldn’t be wise to start a brand new website and lock all your content, nor would it be wise to do so when you haven’t gained enough traction.
If your website does not yet acquire a significant amount of monthly leads and organic traffic, it isn’t time to start gating content.
To ensure that your strategy is successful, you have to gate your content at the right time to the right set of visitors.
Para ello, averigüe en qué fase del embudo de conversión se encuentran sus visitantes.
You can’t gate content at the top of the funnel when visitors are discovering your brand, exploring what you have to offer, and are contemplating if you’re worth revisiting.
They should be anywhere in the middle or towards the end of their buyer’s journey when they come across gated content. In order to give users the sense of urgency that tells them they have to take the action you present to them, you first need to create motivation inside them.
The best way to do this is to create high quality, valuable content.
El Wall Street Journal, que vende más de dos millones de ejemplares of their newspaper daily, gates their content successfully because they already have a large, steady following.
Consumers are already familiar with their brand and are willing to subscribe for a membership because they trust the publication.
Delivering quality content to your audience means knowing what answers they need and what problems they need solved. Figure out what questions they’re asking.
Ask them directly through surveys or emails and see what your competitors are doing for their audience.
Utilizar OptinMonster para proteger su contenido
Para crear contenido cerrado, puede utilizar una herramienta útil como OptinMonster que cuenta con una función de bloqueo de contenidos que puedes utilizar directamente desde el panel de control de WordPress. Gate contenido en cualquier sitio web e integrar con todos los principal software de marketing por correo electrónico disponible.
La agencia digital Whole Whale fue capaz de aumentar sus suscripciones por correo electrónico en un asombroso 100%. utilizando el bloqueo de contenidos.
Para configurar el contenido bloqueado, vaya a OptinMonster dashboard where you’re going to create a new campaign. Select your campaign type.
A continuación, elija una plantilla para su campaña.
Dale un nombre a tu campaña y haz clic en Empezar a construir.
You’ll then be able to customize the design of your campaign. Click Save and your campaign is complete.
You’ll then be able to integrate your campaign with your email list, view its analytical data, and publish it for visitors to see.
Read More: How To Create Lead Magnets and Optins
Optimice su página de destino
If your gated content is being shown to visitors on a landing page, it has to be properly optimized for conversions first.
There’s no point of simply throwing some copy together trying to convince users to hand over their information because they need incentive to want to engage with your brand.
Empiece por investigar qué contenidos de su sitio web son los más vistos y con los que más interactúan sus usuarios. Esto te dará una idea de qué contenidos disfrutan y de cuáles necesitas crear más para seguir aumentando tu base de clientes.
It’s also important to perform keyword research to decide what topics and subtopics your upcoming content will center around and what’s going to attract visitors. Whatever you gate has to be valuable or else it won’t convert at all.
Puede utilizar Planificador de palabras clave de Google como parte de su estrategia de SEO para encontrar palabras clave que son altas en la búsqueda y baja en la competencia y adaptar su contenido en torno a estas frases populares para una mayor visibilidad.
Next, you need to focus on the design and layout of your landing page. Consider the colors you want to use, the copy, any images or videos you might include, and size and placement of the text.
According to a survey by Content Marketing Institute, 51 percent of B2B marketers consider la creación de activos visuales, una prioridad en su estrategia de marketing de contenidos porque su ejecución es esencial para generar clientes potenciales.
Utilice Pruebas A/B para probar diferentes elementos de su página de destino, incluyendo el color del botón CTA, el texto del botón CTA, el texto del formulario y el texto del encabezado.
HubSpot realizó una prueba A/B con sus botones CTA, uno rojo y otro verde. Descubrieron que el botón rojo producía 21% más de conversiones que el verde.
For psychological reasons, red triggered more users to click the CTA button that was red instead of the green.
Knowing this information means they now can tailor their future campaigns to the type of visual experience their users are looking for. Take note of which changes create more conversions and continue streamlining your strategy with this newfound information.
Seguimiento de nuevos clientes potenciales
Once you get the information you need – let’s say it’s email addresses – don’t think your conversion strategy is over.
It’s crucial that, once you succeed in receiving the emails you wanted that you check in with your new subscribers and make them feel welcome.
Don’t wait too long to reach out to new subscribers. If too much time passes and then you pop out of nowhere in their inbox, they’ll get confused and unsubscribe thinking you’re another spam bot.
You need to be proactive when it comes to engaging with consumers so your conversion rates can skyrocket. Don’t take longer than a day or two to reach out.
You can create a welcome email series introducing your brand to your new visitors and telling them what you’re all about. Give them some insight into what kind of content they can expect in the future, how often you’ll be reaching out, and any offers or giveaways they don’t want to miss out on.
Link subscribers to similar content you think they’ll enjoy and try to make your emails sound personalized.
A study by Experian Marketing Services found that email subject lines that included the subscriber’s name aumentó la tasa de apertura en un 29,3.
Your subscribers are human and want to feel like a unique part of your brand. The more you can personalize their experience, the more connected they’ll feel to your business.
Read More: How To Run a Successful Email Campaign
Gated content can greatly boost your conversions if you know how to make it count. It’s important to remember that gated content doesn’t appeal to everyone, so for consumers at the top of the funnel, it’s a way to turn them off.
Doing your research and creating high quality content is also key to making gated content worth it for users. You also need to optimize your landing page as it’s the web page convincing your visitors to take action.
How will you use gated content to increase conversions? Let us know in the comments section below.
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Hola Laura Cabrera
Muchos propietarios de sitios web y blogueros se han olvidado de estos sencillos consejos desde hace muchos años.
La creación de contenido cerrado, como ya se ha mencionado, es una gran manera de asegurarse de que los visitantes se quedan.
Me gustan los consejos que mencionas sobre tener una página de aterrizaje optimizada.
Es una tontería que haya gente que no lo entienda, así que me alegro de que lo hayas reiterado aquí.
Le agradezco que se haya tomado la molestia de arrojar nueva luz sobre este viejo tema.
encontré tanto valor en este post que lo compartí en mi blog por supuesto enlazando al post original.
Que tenga un buen día.