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How To Connect To MemberPress? is a payment gateway service provider that you can connect to MemberPress, next to Stripe and PayPal. MemberPress Pro comes with built-in integration with that you can use out of the box.

Note: This document is related to the new version of the integration that comes with the MemberPress 1.11.7 and later. If you had the connected to MemberPress on your site while running any earlier version of MemberPress, or you’re still running the version of the MemberPress plugin older than 1.11.7, please visit the “Configuring and Troubleshooting with” document related to the previous version of the integration.

This document will show you how to connect and use with MemberPress.

Note: This integration is available to members on the MemberPress Pro plan. If you're subscribed to any other plan, you can upgrade to the Pro plan and gain access to the add-on by clicking the Change Plan link on your account page. Requirements and Capabilities

With the gateway, you receive membership payments from anywhere in the world. On the other hand, you need to be based in the UK, Europe, the US, or Australia and have a bank account locally to qualify for a merchant account. 

In addition, the currency in your MemberPress settings needs to be set to one of the following supported currencies: CHF, DKK, EUR, GBP, NOK, PLN, SEK, AUD, NZD, USD, CAD.

Also, the Gateway comes with the following capabilities:

  • Process One-Time Payments
  • Process Recurring Payments
  • Process Refunds
  • Change credit card for Recurring Subscription
  • Process Free/Paid Trial Periods
  • Credit card Expiring Reminders Supported

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Connecting To MemberPress

Before connecting to MemberPress, you should have an active merchant account

To connect your merchant account to MemberPress, please follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your site, and navigate to Dashboard > MemberPress > Settings > Payments tab. Here, click the “+” icon button to open the gateway form;
  1. Under the “Gateway” dropdown, select the “ Profile” option;
  2. In the “Name” field, you can add the label for your new gateway. Please keep in mind that your users will also see this label on your membership registration forms when choosing the payment method. In our example, we named the gateway “”;
  1. Next, you should add your credentials. You should have got your API Login ID and Transaction Key when you created the account. Copy these credentials to their appropriate fields in the MemberPress gateway form;
  2. To generate the Signature Key in your account, click on the “Account” tab (or the “Settings” link in the side menu), and select API Credentials & Keys under “Security Settings”. Under the “Create New Key(s)” section you can generate your Signature key.

Note: If you don’t have your credentials saved, you can also get them on the “API Credentials & Keys” page. The API Login ID will be already displayed on this page, and you can generate a new Transaction Key under the “Create New Key(s)” section.

  1. You will also need to get the Public Key from your account. Find this key at Settings (the “Account” tab) > Manage Public Client Key and copy it to the MemberPress gateway form;

Note: If you didn’t create your Public Client Key previously, there will be no available key and you’ll need to create your first Client Key. To generate this key, navigate to the “Manage Public Client Key” page in the settings, and click on the “Submit” button. You will be asked to verify your identity, after which the Public Client Key will be generated.

  1. Finally, add the MemberPress gateway webhook to your account. First, copy the Webhook URL of your gateway from the MemberPress settings.
  1. Then, in your account, navigate to Settings (the “Account” tab) > Webhooks (under the “Business Settings” section) and click on the “Add Endpoint” button to open the Endpoint Editor;
  1. In the Endpoint Editor, give your webhook any name, paste the Webhook URL you copied from MemberPress to the “Endpoint URL” field, and set the status to Active;
  1. Under the “Select Events” section choose All Events, and click the “Save” button to save your endpoint.

Now your payment gateway is connected to your site. 

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Sandbox And Testing

Before receiving live payments, it’s advisable to test your connection. comes with a Sandbox feature used to allow you to test your payments through MemberPress without actual live charges.

The Sandbox account will look the same as your live account. To use Sandbox you'll need to sign up for a Sandbox account. On the other hand, the Sandbox API Login ID, Transaction Key, Signature Key, and Public Key will be different from the ones in your live account. 

Thus, to enable Sandbox please follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Sandbox account, and navigate to Settings > Test Mode. Switch your mode to “Live” to enable test registrations on your Sendbox account.
  1. Log in to your site, and navigate to the Dashboard > MemberPress > Settings > Payments tab > gateway;
  2. Replace your live API Login ID, Transaction Key, Signature Key, Public Key, and Webhook URL with the Sandbox ones;
  3. Check the “Use Sandbox” checkbox;
  1. Click the “Update Options” button to apply changes.

Note: If you've been using Sandbox mode and you're going live, be sure to replace your Sandbox API Login ID, Transaction Key, Signature Key, and Public Key with the data from your live account.

Now you can submit test registrations through your membership registration pages and test if subscriptions and transactions are properly recorded in both and MemberPress. If your connection works well, you should see the subscriptions (Dashboard > MemberPress > Subscriptions) and transactions (Dashboard > MemberPress > Transactions) in the MemberPress backend created with the proper name format matching the IDs of these subscriptions and transactions in your account. 

Note: The gateway will create customer records and store a user's payment methods within the user's customer records in your account.

Note: If the format of your subscription names is mp-sub-xxxxx, and/or the format of your transaction names are mp-thx-xxxxx, this means that there is an issue with your connection.

Please check more details about testing with Sandbox in the Testing Guide. Here, you will also find the testing card numbers you can use for submitting test registrations on your membership registration pages.

Once you're done with testing, you can change your credentials in the MemberPress gateway back to live ones, and uncheck the “Use Sandbox” checkbox, to start receiving live payments on your site.

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Manage Subscriptions And Transactions

Once is connected to MemberPress, you're ready to receive live payments from your members. You can find more details on how to manage subscriptions and transactions with in our related document.

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Troubleshooting Common Issues

Error “Email Required”

If you get an error that the Email field is required, edit your Payment Form settings in your account, and make sure “Email” is not a required field.

If you've done that, and you still get the error, your processor may require an email address. This custom snippet of code will help:

The above code can be pasted into a plugin like the WPCodeplugin (please check this article for details: How to add custom code snippets in WPCode).

Error “The merchant login ID or password is invalid or the account is inactive”

If your customers are getting that error while trying to pay for a membership, and if the login ID and password are entered correctly, you'll need to check whether your account is in the Test (Sandbox) Mode. If it is, make it live.

Please refer to this tutorial or contact support.

Transaction Not Being Received After Recurring Subscription Signup

Recurring Subscriptions are billed through ARB at around 2 AM PST. As long as you've configured your integration as outlined in the setup instructions above, your transactions should come through sometime around or just after 2 AM PST. MemberPress validates the user's credit card before setting up the subscription, so payment failures are uncommon, though still possible.

Verify that your gateway is set up properly, then contact support if you continue to have trouble.

Subscriptions And/or Transactions Aren’t Updating Correctly 

Please make sure you follow all recommendations for domains and IP addresses.

MemberPress will need to communicate with through designated IP addresses. If any security/firewall plugin (e.g. Wordfence, iTheme Security) is active on your site, it could block access to these IP addresses. Furthermore, your CDN, or your hosting could also filter IP addresses (e.g. WP Engine’s Global Edge Security add-on).

Thus, please make sure that the following IPs are allowed (whitelisted) on all levels (plugin, hosting, and CDN):

If this does not work, please contact us.

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