In any online business, sales and marketing are a huge part of success. This is no different when creating a membership site.
If you want to see stable growth, taking the time to sit and map out a sales blueprint is crucial. So, in this blog post we'll give you a few tips to help you get started creating a successful sales strategy for your membership site.
Wait… What Do You Mean By “Sales Blueprint?”
When you create a sales blueprint, you're mapping out how your company will target ideal customers in a way that's unique, relatable, and effective at generating sales.
Your blueprint can include things like talks the CEO can deliver to audiences, handing out pamphlets and flyers, or a plan for cold calling customers. Your blueprint will also lay out the current state of your company, your company's goals, and the practices your business should adopt to implement your new sales strategy.
Now Let's Get Started!
1. Take an assessment of your company's current state.
This step is significant because your research will help set the stage for how your company will move forward. Document your company's average monthly sales, return versus new customers, where customers find your membership business, which memberships, products, online courses, or services, are most and least popular and so on. Everything about the current state of your membership business should be documented first.
2. Identify your ideal customer.
As time goes on, things can change in your business, including how you define your ideal customer. Use your assessment to help you figure out what this person looks like. Think about their income level and interests, where they hang out online, what they're most drawn to in your membership site, and their pain points. If you know who your people are, it will be easier to understand where to find them and market to them.
3. Set goals.
Do you want to see more sales of a particular product? Are you looking to increase sales in general? Do you have a discount you'd like to promote? List any goals you might have for your business in the coming months or years.
4. Create a plan of attack.
Now that you know your target market and you've set your goals, it's time to plan. Use the information you've gathered to map things out. Let's say you'd like to sell 75 new memberships within the next three months — what would it take for your company to achieve this?
Based on your assessment, you know that you've tried social media ads, which worked, but you also tried public engagement, which sold many more memberships. In your plan, it would be wise to set aside time to book speaking engagements or appearances at trade shows.
5. Set a deadline for your strategy.
One of the best ways determine whether your membership business sales blueprint is effective is to establish a timeline, including a deadline, for the project. Whether you test out a sales strategy for a month, six months, or a year, give yourself a cutoff time so you can assess the results.
6. Learn from your results and adjust, if necessary.
Once your deadline is up on the sales strategy, meet with your team to discuss the results. Were you successful? If so, should you continue with the plan? If not, what can your team members do differently or better next time? The point is to learn from your results and keep pushing.
No matter what stage your membership business is in, creating a sales strategy is always extremely important.
Whether your results come out great or not-so-great, never consider your work a failure. There's always something to learn from your marketing efforts. We hope our tips help you prepare to work toward an increase in your business' sales!
What tips would you give about creating a sales strategy? What's in your sales blueprint?
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