Using Google AdSense on your website may be a way to make income doing what you love.
Not sure how to maximize profits? Want to know if Google AdSense is smart for your business? Not even sure what it is? This is a great place to start.
Following are some ins and outs if you want to know how to get started and become profitable with AdSense.
What Is Google AdSense?

Quite simply, Google Adsense allows you, the website owner, to make money through ads on your website.
It’s much like placing an ad in your company magazine fifty years ago – but it’s also completely different. Just like in the 1970s, people pay to reach your specific audience. They get a slot on your “page,” so to speak, where they can advertise their services and products.
But unlike in the 1970s, ads on your page can be interactive, unique to that consumer, and/or use video and sound. And no one knew how many people picked up a magazine and looked at the ad in the past. Today they do, so you make money based on your personal success.
And you decide on the sort of ad you want: video, text, image, text and image, link ads, and more. Additionally, you decide where you want the ad placed and how many ads you want. You can also use custom search ads.
Custom search ads are great because they can be uniquely tailored to your website and the individual consumer. The consumer sees ads based on their unique searches (Google knows everything!), and the ads can be adapted to match the style and vibe of your site.
Should You Use It? Why or Why Not?
Money is always a good thing, right? Well, maybe. Doing Google AdSense sounds like a brilliant way to make more money, but that may not be true in every case.
For instance, a young man sells a product on his site. He also uses a blog as a means to advertise the same product, and he decides it might be a good idea to do ads on his blog. Now his blog readers get confusing messages.
The products being pushed in the ads on the page might be in direct competition with his product, and consumers won’t know what to buy. This may not be a profitable business idea.
Additionally, some people feel bogged down by ads, and your audience may not appreciate it if you place ads on your site.
On the other hand, many people are used to seeing ads online everywhere: Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc. It may not bother them, especially if they find the ads relevant. The best way to know if it is a good idea or not is to do your research.
The important thing is to know your audience members. Find out how ads affect them and whether they expect to encounter ads on your site.
One good rule is to never have more ads than web content. Sites full of ads feel spammy and annoying. That's why Google AdSense is often a smart idea for blogs and forums.
Maximizing your profits
So, you want an ad. Now what? How do you encourage clicks and views?
- Have a popular website. The more people come to visit your site, the more interactions you'll receive. There are lots of ways to get more views on your site, but one of the best is to create excellent content. Use proximity, relevance, out of the ordinary, impact, prominence, oddity, and conflict to arouse interest. Also, use good writing. (Here are a few tips from us on good writing.)
- Do your research! Use different sizes and sorts of ads to see which bring the most profit to your company. Try your hand at A/B testing.
- Keep creating great content. If you have a website that encourages consumers to keep coming back, they will keep seeing new ads.
- Ask visitors to turn off ad blockers.
- DON’T click on the ad yourself or ask friends to. Google will find out, and you won't be allowed to use AdSense anymore.
Ready to make some money? With Google AdSense, the money you make depends on the amount people bid. People bid for your ad space in real time, and space goes to the highest bidder.
On average, though, you can expect anywhere from 15 cents to five dollars per ad click. You might get around a dollar for CPM (cost per thousand). How much you’ll make varies according to the popularity of your site and how often people choose to view the ad.
In Summary
While it was pretty great to get paid for an ad in your company magazine back in the day, using Google AdSense on your website takes it to a whole new level. Now your ads can be unique, tailored to the client, and super entertaining. Remember:
- AdSense works better for some sites than for others.
- Experiment and do your research to discover which ads work best for you.
- Have a popular site that has consumers coming back for more.
You efforts just might allow you to make you the income you always wanted. If you haven't yet started your website, check out our post, 25 Proven, Killer Membership Website Ideas, to get some inspiration!
Have you found success with Google AdSense? Do you have other questions on how to use it? Please let us know in the comments below.
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Hi Sulema 🙂 You might find this YouTube support doc helpful: