Covered in this article:
There are two main ways that you can install MemberPress on your site, automatically and manually.
Automatic Installation
Video Tutorial:
After purchasing MemberPress you can login to and download the zip file for the plugin. Next, follow these simple steps to quickly install and activate MemberPress. It only takes a minute!
- Login to the WordPress dashboard on your site
- Head to Plugins -> Add New -> Upload
- Choose the file you downloaded earlier
- Click “Install Now”
- Click “Activate Plugin”
You should now have a new menu item in the dashboard titled “MemberPress”. Use this menu to configure your membership site.
Manual Installation
After purchasing
MemberPress you can login to and download the zip file for the plugin. If for some reason you are unable to automatically install (instructions above) the plugin, you can follow these instructions to manually install the plugin using FTP.
- Extract the file you downloaded earlier, somewhere on your computer
- If you are unsure how to connect to your site using FTP, contact your web host for instructions
- Using your favorite FTP Client (FileZilla is our favorite), connect to your website server
- Copy the extracted /memberpress/ directory from your computer to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory on the remote server
- There are a lot of files so give it some time to complete
- Once it's done, login to your WordPress dashboard
- Head to Plugins page and click “Activate” below the MemberPress plugin
You should now have a new menu item in the dashboard titled “MemberPress”. Use this menu to configure your membership site.
Note: a common mistake made here is extracting and uploading the plugin with too many folders. The final directory structure should be /wp-content/plugins/memberpress/…files in here. Some users will accidentally install it with an extra memberpress folder like /wp-content/plugins/memberpress/memberpress/…files in here. The latter is incorrect and may cause the plugin to not function normally.